Monday, January 16, 2012

"We Bought A Zoo" Critique

 Authors Note: I did a critique on this particular movie because I just saw it on Saturday, January 14th. It is still fresh in my brain!

I rate the movie "We Bought A Zoo" 4 1/2 out of 5 stars!

My reasoning for this is because it is a great movie for kids and sends a good message to everyone.

It's such a great movie for kids because it's realistic, but at the same time I've never heard of anyone buying a zoo before. Kids love animals, especially animals that aren't animated. But, I don't give it a 5 out of 5 stars because there is some swearing involved. I think swearing is a bad influence on young children, because they don't know that they are "bad words".

The message that this movie sends is that even though something devastating happens you just have to move on and something better will come along. Also, to do what you think is right, even though everyone else thinks it is an unusual thing to do. In this case, the unusual thing is buying a zoo.


  1. I think that the movie sends that message to people, too. The swears in it aren't the best way for kids to learn; I agree. It kind of ruins the whole point of the movie, besides that the characters are mad at each other and feel the need to express it in that way.

  2. I really like this message/critique, but I don't get the "bad words" part, but i understand what you are trying to say. In other words, I get what you are saying but I think you should re-word some of the words. Other than that, I REALLY LIKE YOUR STORY!

  3. Chadwick I really like this piece I love this movie, and I agree that the swears aren't the best influence on younger kids. I agree with Liana that you might want to re-word some things to make it flow better. Keep up the good work!
