Monday, May 14, 2012

Siblings - You always have to love them

 Authors Note: My Writing circle group decided to write about siblings because we all have at least 2 siblings so they're always in our life. We wrote about the pros and cons of having a brother and/or sister.

Siblings can be very annoying, but sometimes very helpful in certain situations. Sometimes, I just feel like punching someone in the face when my siblings annoy me. But, they’re always there if you have a problem about something and you have no one else to talk to. I’m the middle child, so I have an older sister and a younger brother. I like to irritate my older sister because she gets annoyed really easily and is extremely gullible. I don’t prefer getting my young brother mad/upset because I’ll get in big trouble. I hate when I do something wrong and I get in huge trouble, but then when my brother does something wrong my parents don’t do anything about it! Some things about my family get me really frustrated.

Also, my younger brother gets the special treatment. He’s 10 years old and my mom does practically everything for him. I could do everything by myself when I was 9! It really annoys me, but I don’t let it stress me out too much. I think that that is how my sister feels about me, because I am really mean to her and I don’t get in any trouble. But when she’s mean to me, she get’s in huge trouble. My sister is 24, so she is considered an adult, so my mom thinks that she should be mature enough to “handle the situation like an adult.”

Even though some things really annoy me about my siblings, I’ll always love them, but only because they’re family.


Authors Note: My writing circle group chose to write this piece because we all care so much about friendship. I personally wanted to write this piece because my friends are a big part of my life.

I love my friends. They’re the ones that will always be there to catch me when I slip on a banana peel. I’m the one that can make them laugh when they feel like crawling into a hole to die. We make memories and we’ll remember them until we are cranky old lady's in a retirement home. My friends and I are always laughing. No matter how random it is, we laugh until our stomachs hurt. All my friends are the best people in the world. They’re funny, sweet, and very loud. They keep my secrets and I keep theirs. I don’t know what I’d do if I didn’t know them. My friends will be my friends forever.

Some of my friends aren’t my friends anymore. I thought I could trust them and then - BAM! They betrayed me and stabbed me in the back. They lied to my other friends, and when I confronted them about it, they lied to me. It turned out that they did talk about me behind my back. I’m glad that we got into that fight, because now I know that I can’t trust them.

Trust is a very important quality. If you can’t trust your friends, you can’t tell them your secrets, and you can’t trust what they tell you. I think that trust is the most important quality in a friendship. Without trust, it just isn’t a true friendship.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Authors Note: My Writing circle group decided to write about books because we all love books. We decided to make it a broad topic so that it would be easier to write about.

Books are like candy. They can be sweet and sour, and everyone has a favorite type. Some can be bitter, and once you start eating it you spit it out right away. I like books that have a strong plot, and that have a point to them. Also, I like when they have some humor in them. Without humor, it seems just a tad boring. Genre’s that I really like are realistic fiction - kinda girly too. I also like action/adventure books. They have a great storyline and you can’t stop reading! I love almost every genre but I cannot stand Fantasy. I hate how it’s all so fake. I would rather read things that have more to do with my life.

Friday, May 4, 2012


A Rose for Emily
By: Chloe, Becca, & Liana

Rose – Love, and that looks can be deceiving.
·         Love – Roses are elegant and pretty and it’s something you get on valentine’s day.
·         Looks can be deceiving – Roses are beautiful but they also have thorns which are painful.

February – Harsh
·         Harsh – Winter can be cold and harsh
Stairways – Creepy, Falling
·         Creepy – Sometimes when you walk up the stairs they make a creeking noise and it scares Liana.
·         Falling – You never know if you are going to fall up or down the stairs so you never know what’s coming

“Her voice was dry and cold” – Old, Out of Breath, Cold outside, Mean, Worn, Harsh
·         Old – Old ladies have old little squeaking voices
·         Out of Breath – Old ladies have no breath – you can just picture it in your mind.
·         Cold Outside – Sometimes in the winter the air is more dry and it is not humid
·         Mean – Old ladies have really high pitched voices or really low voices like “get over here young lady!”
·         Worn – Because old ladies are old!
·         Harsh – Long pointy nails, and they have harsh voices!

Rat – Sneaky
·         Sneaky – Old Emily is very miscellaneous 

Snake – Slither
·         Slither – Emily can easily get out of things – like her taxes

3 gray beards – old men involved, wise
·         Old men – They’re ore wise and they can control things and they have more experience. They have more stories to tell.
·         Wise – Old men are wise and smart.

Midnight – Crimes, Important meetings
·         Crimes - Because no one can see them in the dark and everyone is asleep and it’s dark.
·         Important meetings - You can’t see and nobody knows about it and it’s a time where everyone’s quiet.

Gray – Ancient, Dull, Not Exciting (a.k.a. boring), Depression
·         Ancient – because the story seems like the 70’s and ancient means the 70’s - It’s kinda like slavery time.
·         Dull – All color has been sucked out of it and it’s just not fun to look at
·         Not Exciting – Which is more funner? Pink or gray? Those are your options!
·         Depression – Depression is upsetting, and gloomy, poopy!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Semantic Devices

They walk slower than a turtle crawls.
Her hair looked as greasy as a McDonalds cheeseburger.
The booger danced out of her nose.
I've told you about it a billion times!
 He had to wait a long time until he could know his weight.
That's the biggest small ant I've ever seen!
 They were the best years of my life - mean friends, bad grades, yelling parents, and being bullied.
Betty beamed at Billy's blistery bunions.